Margaret Chase Smith Essay contest
2025 Essay contest topic (click here)
Printable Flyer (Click Here)
2024 Essay Contest Winners Announced! (Click Here)
Every school year the Library administers the Margaret Chase Smith Essay Contest. It is open to Maine high school seniors and invites them to write on a theme related either to a historical milestone or a current event. Thanks to the generous support from the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation, prizes are $1000 for first place, $500 for second place, $250 for third place, and five $50 honorable mention prizes.
2024 First Place Winner, Summer LaRose
John Bapst Memorial High School
Bangor, Maine
Essay (Click Here)
2024 Second Place Winner, Nhi Nguyen
Oak Hill High School
Litchfield, Maine
Essay (Click Here)
2024 Third Place Winner, Anna Weber
Medomak Valley High School
Union, Maine
Essay (Click Here)
2024 US Military Academy
Cadet Carly Woelfel
Bio (click here)
margaret Chase smith leadership excellence award
With funding provided by the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation, the United States Naval Academy and the United States Military Academy present the Margaret Chase Smith Leadership Excellence Award annually to a female who has demonstrated conscience-driven leadership, dedicated service to the greater good, and personal independence and integrity, while displaying the highest standards of professionalism and personal conduct as an exemplary role model. Nominees must have no significant conduct or academic difficulties, and should demonstrate potential for an outstanding career of service upon graduation.
2024 US Naval Academy
Midshipman Claire Brophy
Bio (click here)
2019 Margaret Chase Smith Citizenship Awards
Dasia Alberico, Lydia Jones, Alex Kinney, Paityn Perkins and Joshua Hitchings
Margaret Chase Smith Citizenship Awards
The MCS Citizenship Award is given annually at the Margaret Chase Smith School in the Senator’s hometown, Skowhegan, Maine. Established by Smith in 1984, it is awarded at the year-end assembly to all of the outgoing fifth graders who demonstrate by their words and actions the qualities and characteristics we hope to instill in all students.