
December, 2024 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 40, No. 4

As we welcome winter, the staff of the Margaret Chase Smith Library is working on many exciting events! National History Day in Maine is headed to another contest season, we continue to update the facility, we hosted the Leeke-Shaw Lecture, artist Jerri Whitman’s exhibit “Painting an Inclusive History: Maine Women in Politics” is now closed, but a new exhibit featuring Frances Perkins will be available soon!

In this issue, you will learn about our recent library activities, educational opportunities, and various researchers and visitors.  Each staff member has written what they have been doing over the last few months. Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out our up coming events section to see what’s on the horizon.


by Chris O’Brien

Since arriving in September, 2024, we’ve had an excellent and very busy fall. We began with a well-attended Hail and Farewell, hosted by the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation. Speakers included Foundation Chair Charlie Cragin, UMaine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Governor Janet Mills, former director David Richards, and yours truly.

We followed up with the annual Leeke-Shaw Lecture which, due to Maine being Maine was moved to Zoom at the last moment so folks did not have to drive through the snowstorm. Speaker Claude Berube informed and terrified us all with am analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the US Navy in the years leading up to WWII and today.

As we look out to the coming year, much is happening. We will be engaged in updates to our building, our software suite, and our grounds. In addition, we hope to revive our internship and docent programs as we could certainly use a few good hands to help with the work. Interested? Give me a call, I’m happy to explain. 

Happy holidays and the very best in the New Year!

Claude Berube, PhD, FRHistS

(L-R) UMaine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Governor Janet Mills, former director David Richards, MCS Foundation Chair Charlie Cragin, and Director Chris O’Brien

Attendees of the Hail and Farewell.

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

National History Day in Maine 2025
As we settle into the winter months planning for the upcoming 2025 National History Day in Maine season continues to roll on.

In November, my colleagues Nicole Rancourt, Harper Batsford, and I made the trek to Presque Isle to conduct a workshop with Aroostook County teachers. It was a successful day with many in attendance. They learned the “nuts and bolts” of NHD, skills on exhibit building, and were introduced to many resources from the Margaret Chase Smith Library and the Acadian Archives.

This workshop is a key piece in the expansion of the program. This year we are adding a regional contest to the mix! We now have four regional showcase demonstrating our ever growing presence in the state. Registration for all contests will open on January 6, 2025. A call for judges will be going out at that time. If interested please contact me at I will gladly put you on my mailing list. Remember, you do not have to be an expert. Librarians, historians, archivists, educators, and armchair historians are all welcome to participate. We will provide an orientation on contest day and supply you with the necessary tools for judging as the event approaches. As of this writing, the contest dates are as follows:

  • Southern Regional (Portland)-March 8

  • Central Regional (Bangor)-March 22

  • Northern Regional (Presque Isle)-April 2

  • State Contest (Orono)-May 3

  • National Contest (College Park, MD)-June 8-12

2024 Margaret Chase Smith Library Essay Contest
In other news, our annual essay contest has begun! This year we are asking Maine high school seniors to write about free speech. 

In 1952, Senator Joseph McCarthy was at the height of his political power due to his baseless witch hunts in search of subversive communists working within the United States Federal Government. That same year Senator Margaret Chase Smith gave a speech to the National Newspaper Editorial Association as tension continued to mount during the red scare. She noted, “Suspicion and division…petrifies our country, our people, and our thinking today. This suspicion and division, that has been bred by irresponsible name-calling motivated by selfish political desire” Furthermore the Senator stated, “Freedom of Speech has become more of a hollow phrase now than a vibrant reality. People don’t dare speak their minds for fear that mere expression of difference of opinion will make them targets for smears.”

Our current cultural and political landscape is rife with misrepresentation, hate speech is on the rise, and people are verbally attacked on various fronts. Much of this is occuring under the guise of “Freedom of Speech.” Keeping in mind that Americans have historically had differing viewpoints about personal freedoms, The Margaret Chase Smith Library invites students to provide their opinion on what are the rights of speakers in the public square. Should people be allowed to express anything they desire no matter the ripple effect their words may cause? Or, should there be limitations on speech? If so, how far is too far?

For more information and contest guidelines you can click here. Please pass this along to any high school seniors you may know. Essays are due April 4, 2025. First prize is $1,000!

United State Senate Youth Leadership Program
Finally, every year we have the privilege to host ten of the brightest high school juniors and seniors in the state for the United States Senate Youth Leadership Program. This year was no different. Representatives from Senator King, Senator Collins, and the Secretary of State’s offices served as judges interviewing the students and assessing their impromptu speeches to determine which two will receive $10,000 scholarships and an all expense paid trip to Washington, DC to see how the government works. Personally, it’s one of my favorite days. I wrote this year’s speech prompt asking them to defend their thoughts on free speech. I also spent time giving a small lecture on interpreting primary source material and about the life and career of Margaret Chase Smith. Already looking forward to hosting once again in 2025!

2025 Aroostook County NHD Teacher Workshop.

Worlds collided when the 2021 second place NHD national winner Maya Faulstich was one of the United States Senate Youth Leadership Program students.

2025 Senate Youth Leadership Program

learning Lounge

by Kim Nelson

John, Nicole and I participated in Maine Fest in Augusta. We had cardboard Margaret holding a basketball next to a basketball hoop with balls for children to “be like Margaret” playing basketball. We also had a photo of Senator Smith fishing and children could color wooden fish that they could then take home. Even though it was rainy, we had more than 50 children plus their adults stop at out table.

My colleagues never disappoint when I ask them to personally donate money to allow us to purchase books for the Skowhegan Public Library Annual Fall Book Drive. We purchased four books covering a variety of topics. Each book has a book plate stating it was purchased by the 2024 Margaret Chase Smith Library staff. A great way for us to give back and to help promote our Library. Here are two of the books purchased: The other two are currently backordered.

Margaret Chase Smith Library purchased advertising space on a newly created Skowhegan Puzzle, Some Kind of Wonderful. The Library is on the box cover and was worked into the puzzle.The puzzles are $35.00. Please reach out to Mollie for more information This is another way we keep the Library active within our community.

Field trips will return in the spring. If you know of a teacher or school who would like to visit have them reach out to the Library to reserve a day. We are free and we do have a school bus fund to pay for bussing. 

In September, I reached out to the Frances Perkins Center to inquire on their traveling exhibit. I am excited to say that the Library will host this exhibit through the winter. A special thank you to Nicole and John for retrieving the traveling exhibit as well as adding information about Senator Smith to create a cohesive exhibit that highlights these two incredible women. Please consider calling the Library to make a reservation to view this new exhibit debuting in the near future. More information on this collaborative exhibit will be announced soon.

Staff at Maine Fest in Augusta.

The new Skowhegan puzzel.

Newest book in the Skowhegan Free Public Library

Research Roundup

by Nicole Potter

Exhibitions: Closing and Opening

I would like to start with a final shoutout to our now closed 2024 exhibition, “Painting an Inclusive History: Maine Women in Politics.” This exhibition featured portraits created by Jerri Whitman. Based in Dresden, Maine, Whitman is a longtime artist who works in oil, pastel, acrylic, colored pencil and graphite. Presently, Whitman is working to create a portrait of every woman from Maine who has been elected to the Maine Legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives, or the U.S. Senate. The first twenty-six of these portraits were featured in the exhibition which was on display at the Margaret Chase Smith Library from May 20th until November 29th, 2024. 

The Margaret Chase Smith Library received a fantastic response in regards to these portraits. We thank everyone who attended our opening reception in June, who attended Whitman’s artist talk in August, or who stopped by to view the exhibition during open hours. Our hope is to explore more opportunities to display works by contemporary artists that fit with the mission of the Library.

There will be a new exhibition opening at the Margaret Chase Smith Library in January 2025. The Library will be hosting a traveling exhibition from the Frances Perkins Center which is located in Newcastle, Maine. A contemporary of Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Frances Perkins was President Franklin Delanore Roosevelt’s Secretary of Labor, the first woman to serve as a Presidential cabinet secretary. From the Frances Perkins Center, “[she] was the driving force behind the New Deal, credited with formulating policies to shore up the national economy following the nation’s most serious economic crisis and helping to create the modern middle class.”

This exhibition will be accompanied by materials from the Margaret Chase Smith Library’s own collection that highlights the connections between Senator Margaret Chase Smith and Frances Perkins. An official announcement will be sent out by the Library in the new year with more information about the exhibition including the official opening date.

MAM Conference 

In October 2024 I was able to attend the Maine Archives and Museums (MAM) Conference in Lewiston, Maine, alongside my colleagues Kim Nelson and John Taylor. It was wonderful to learn from colleagues across the state and engage in active conversations about the field of cultural heritage preservation. Both proposals I had previously submitted to the MAM conference organizers had been accepted and I was able to speak on two separate panels during the conference - one on educational opportunities for students at libraries and museums and one on exhibiting contemporary artwork at historic institutions. The presentations, entitled “Student Engagement at the Margaret Chase Smith Library” and “Historical Organizations as Platforms for Contemporary Art and Artists: The Margaret Chase Smith Library,” were well attended by MAM members and sparked lively discussions during the question and answer portions of the panels. I was thrilled to have the occasion to represent the Margaret Chase Smith Library at this conference in addition to the opportunity to participate in such active dialogue with my fellow library, archive, and museum professionals. 

MCSL Book Group

I was very excited this past fall to take over the coordination of the Margaret Chase Smith Library’s book group after Dr. David Richards retirement. For the Fall 2024 series the book group read titles with a shared theme of paintings and other visual arts which was inspired by the Library’s 2024 exhibition, “Painting an Inclusive History: Maine Women in Politics.” These titles were, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier, The Art Forger by Barbara Shapiro, and From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. L. Konigsburg. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the discussion of these novels.

The Margaret Chase Smith Library’s book group takes place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, unless there is a scheduling conflict at the Library. Book group meetings are from 6:00-7:30 pm and are hybrid. Zoom links for attending meetings virtually are sent out a week beforehand. If you’re interested in joining the Library’s book group then please email the Library at  

The Margaret Chase Smith Library's book group will be going on hiatus after the December 2024 meeting until April 2025 due to staffing conflicts. There will be two meetings in the spring, on April 22nd and May 20th, and these will be led by Kim Nelson. Do note that the April meeting is on the 4th Tuesday of the month (rather than the 3rd) due to a scheduling conflict. The Spring 2025 series will be focused on historical events in Maine. The book group will be reading Maine to Cape Horn: The World's Most Dangerous Voyage by Charles H. Lagerbom for the April meeting and The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon for the May meeting. More information will go out to the book group members in the spring.

I thank everyone who’s participated in the Margaret Chase Smith Library’s book group previously and I hope more of you consider joining!

Frances Perkins

The next book in our series!

Artist Jerri Whitman with her family at the opening event for her exhibit.

Upcoming events

The MCSL is an EEO/AA institution and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 Boudreau Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711.



September, 2024 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 40, No. 3

After 27 years Dr. David Richards is retiring from the Margaret Chase Smith Library!

This issue of the newsletter is dedicated to him and his career. It was a treat to search our archives and find so many wonderful photos, stories, and antidotes about David as we created this newsletter. Though he will not be in the office everyday, we know he will not be far away. We still plan to see him here for events and programs. The staff is excited for his next adventure and wish him a happy retirement.


by David Richards

This will be my final “Directions” column. I have had a wonderful twenty-seven-plus-year run at the Margaret Chase Smith Library since arriving in December 1996. Now it’s time to head off into a retirement filled with travel, hiking, and catching up with family and friends, who I have neglected too much while working.

I have enjoyed my time at the Library. I have fond memories of the many school teachers and students, museum and library professionals, and community partners with whom I have worked for nearly three decades. I am grateful for the assistance I have received along the way from Library colleagues, both past and present. I appreciate the support I have gotten from the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation board of directors. Most non-profit directors have to spend much of their time raising money. Because of the Foundation board’s wise and steady stewardship, I have had the luxury to focus on programs and projects.

I have been thinking about when to time my retirement for a while. COVID gave my considerations greater urgency, as it completely disrupted the nature of work at the Library for several years. Ultimately, I opted for an early retirement for two reasons. First, none of us knows how long we have, as I was reminded of when I collided with a moose ten years ago. My second thought was that I didn’t want to hang on just to hit a round number like thirty or reach an established retirement age like sixty-five. I would prefer to retire too early rather than too late.

I am confident that I am leaving the Library at an opportune time and in a good condition. Margaret Chase Smith’s legacy remains strong. During the month of July, we experienced a boom in research activity and averaged about a request a day. This included four people who have expressed interest in writing books related to Senator Smith in some way. That list has since grown to five. In addition, the Library has hosted three events this summer that reassured me that we are getting back to the level of activity we had before the pandemic arrived in March 2020. Community Plate brought together a group of about three dozen people for a potluck dinner and best of all, featured the sort of civil conversation that nourishes civic culture. A few weeks later, we welcomed the Mid-Maine Global Forum. I was heartened to hear how many of the guests were visiting the facility for the first time, were impressed by the history and tidiness of the Library, and vowed to return with family and friends in the future.  At the end of August, the Library reprised the annual Margaret Chase Smith Appreciation Day. It drew a large audience of over seventy people to hear Jerri Whitman talk about her exhibit of portraits of women who have served in the Maine Legislature or have represented Maine in Congress, to see Sylvie Jensen’s National History Day exhibit on Joshua Chamberlain and the Battle of Gettysburg, and to wish me farewell. Finally, we received word that the Portland Stage Company would be hosting a production this fall of the play “Conscience,” which focuses on the contentious relationship between Senator Margaret Chase Smith and Senator Joseph McCarthy during the early years of the Cold War.

I attribute the sudden summer surge in interest to our own politically tumultuous times and the antidotes of conscience and civility that are enduring features of Margaret Chase Smith’s legacy. If anyone needs a reminder of what she stood for, I encourage you to read her “Declaration of Conscience,” preferably right before you vote this fall. It has been rewarding to keep the ideals expressed in her historic speech alive for the past twenty-seven years. I wish my successor, Chris O’Brien, and my colleagues success in keeping the legacy alive for many years to come.

The Community Plate Dinner, July 11, 2024.

Margaret Chase Smith Appreciation Day, August 26, 2024.

Mid-Maine Global Forum Reception , July 23, 2024.

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

My wife Amanda and I moved to Maine in December, 2011 after she had been offered a job as an architectural historian in Augusta. A few years prior, in 2009, I left a state job after learning some harsh realities about the working world. For the next few years I took some unsatisfying and rather demoralizing jobs as I continued to search for a career in my chosen profession. When we moved to New England it was a fresh start and I was determined to only accept a job in the humanities.

I came across the Margaret Chase Smith Library in a Maine Frommer’s Travel Book. Since the Senator served in Congress during my period of study I thought I would reach out and volunteer my time until I found a job. I sent an email and very soon I received my first communication from David. From the beginning he was inquisitive, thoughtful, and open to ideas and suggestions. Though at the time I was unfamiliar with the life and legacy of Margaret Chase Smith, David took a chance on me. As a new volunteer I was somewhat surprised and elated that he immediately trusted me to research and create an exhibit for the Library that would celebrate the 50th anniversary of Senator Smith’s run for the presidency. 

Soon my volunteer role turned into a temporary position. From there it became permanent. After becoming a fulltime employee I became the State Coordinator for National History Day in Maine. Again, David took a chance on me. Based on my experience with NHD as an intern in grad school, he agreed to have the Library take on the duties of running the program to which I can proudly say has grown immensely and now serves as a model for other affiliates throughout the country.

Throughout my time at this Library David has taken countless chances on me. He’s given me the opportunity to hone my historical skills, learn the process of exhibit design, and sharpen my managerial style. He allowed me to make mistakes, be creative, establish networks for the Library, and find new avenues of historical interpretation. He let this budding historian build my own narrative about the Senator and present it to school groups, museum patrons, and scholars. Most importantly, David provided a positive work environment.

If you have not pieced it together, the theme of my narrative is that David took a chance on me. And for that I am forever grateful. I am absolutely sure I would not be in this profession if he had not provided me with such opportunities. I look to him as a mentor, but more importantly, my wife and I look to him as a friend (I as a colleague and she as a hiking partner). I wish nothing but the best for David. I hope he has a long and fruitful retirement on all the wooded dusty trails he could possibly imagine.

Perfect representation of our mentor/mentee relationship.

David photographed with my wife and sister at the top of Katahdin.

David is always there to lend a helping hand.

learning Lounge

by Kim Nelson

When I think of David, I think of the book group he has facilitated at the Library. I started attending after I did my internship at the facility in 2015. One of those early books I read was about the wildfires in Maine during 1947. It was not something I would have ever chosen but I am glad the book group gave me that opportunity. 

My fondest book group memories will always be the ones held during the pandemic. David decided to do a summer book group via Zoom and he focused on local authors from around the Skowhegan area which was challenging as they needed to be accessed via the internet as opposed to the usual physical copy. He succeeded in finding us true gems. It was quite a different experience being located in our own homes holding a book group. It was a small dedicated group of attendees, there were 5 of us most of the time, and we discussed these stories from an earlier time with a mix of curiosity and reminiscent. Before each of these book groups, David would go to the territory of the book to be discussed and would bring back photos and tons of information about these locations. This allowed me to understand the history of the region in better detail than I had previously known. 

I think it was the relaxed manner David led the discussions during that stressful time, plus his choice of books, that made it especially enjoyable and something I will always warmly remember.

Let's Talk About It book group.

One of the many readings from
Let's Talk About It.

Let's Talk About It book group.

Research Roundup

by Nicole Potter

When I started at the Margaret Chase Smith Library in June 2021, I already felt welcomed as a new member of the staff. Before starting the position, but after I had signed my contract, I received a package in the mail. I was living in Idaho at the time (I previously worked for The Community Library in Ketchum, ID, as the Regional History Museum Librarian) and I am originally from upstate New York. This is just to provide some context for why I was incredibly excited when a box from Maine Maple Products turned up at my door. Sent by Director David Richards, this gift was the perfect sweet start to my new job at the MCS Library and a helpful reminder of one of the many reasons I was excited to return to the east coast. 

David continued to make me feel welcomed as a member of the MCS Library staff after I arrived in Maine. He was always available and eager to answer any of my questions while also giving me room to make the role of Curator of Collections my own. He would help me understand why certain decisions had been made at the MCS Library prior to my arrival while also being open to my suggestions. He challenged me to try creative solutions, explore new partnerships, and push for new processes and programming. 

I have now been with the MCS Library for over three years and I feel confident in saying that my beginnings here would not have been the same without the guidance and support of David Richards. His leadership at the MCS Library will have a long legacy both with the organization as a whole and with me as a librarian. I congratulate him on his career and on his retirement!

Trivia night at Bigelow Brewing Company.

Object handling staff training.

Emergency response training.

more salutations from colleagues and friends


Charles L. Cragin - President, Margaret Chase Smith Foundation

I’m reticent to use the word “retirement” thinking about you.  Perhaps “turning the page”, “starting a new chapter”, etc. but not “withdrawing”.  I recall when you arrived at the library in 1996 as the Assistant Director.  At that time the library was owned by Northwood University and the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation, with Mert Henry at its helm, was a funding source.  You served as second in command during the Northwood days.  In December 2011 the Foundation purchased the Library from Northwood and two things happened.  In 2012, the Foundation entered into an agreement with the University of Maine which began operating the Library under the Foundation’s auspices. You became Executive Director of the Library and an employee of the University.  During the next 12 years you brought vision, enthusiasm and resilience and delivered daily.  There have been many changes at the library in that time and you can be proud of what you accomplished and of the legacy that you leave behind.  While a full-time employee of the University, you always found time to assist the Foundation as its members requested information or worked with you to develop operating budgets, fund capital projects and constantly adapt to new technology.  My colleagues on the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation Board of Directors join me in thanking you for your tireless service.  You have made significant contributions in preserving the legacy of Senator Smith.  May you move to your next journey with fair winds and following seas.

Michael J. Quinlan - Treasure/Secretary, margaret Chase Smith F0undation

David, all the best upon your retirement as Director of the Margaret Chase Smith Library.  I have enjoyed our interactions involving the Library and will miss working with you.  You have been a dedicated and loyal steward of the Library and the legacy of Senator Smith.  Here’s to an enjoyable and fulfilling retirement!

Amos Reid - Margaret Chase Smith Library Facilities Maintanence

I came on board at the Margaret Chase Smith Library in 2009 after graduating college and grad school and Dr. David Richards has been a staple here for almost three decades of my life. He usually is the first person to arrive at the facility and the last to leave and besides all of his academic works, leadership, and direction, you would find him outside assisting with keeping the facility and grounds in top shape as well. His contributions to furthering the works and memory of Senator Margaret Chase Smith and his attention to the MCS Library and staff have been exemplary and he will be greatly missed here and in the community. Best wishes for your next adventure!    

Angie Stockwell - Former Margaret Chase Smith Library Colleague

David Richards, tall, lanky, witty, brilliant, averse to veggies, loves baseball, loves mousse (not, however, the ones that crash through your car window and break your neck), and although he never knew Margaret Chase Smith, he loved her.  Of course.  We all did.

Historically, director predecessors, assistant directors, and university administrators were each remarkable in their own way. That said, I had vowed that if David Richards ever left, for whatever reason, I, too, would leave. Having been at the Library for over 37 years, I had pretty much decided I would never again "train" a new director. Not that I actually had any say in such a task, but sharing the ins and outs of the MCS Library with someone new was more than I wanted to tackle.

I'm pretty sure David never called me by my given name but rather I was "Stockwell." I'm unsure if that is politically correct in today's world of "woke," but I never failed to respond as I knew he meant no disrespect. His attention to proper grammar when editing my newsletter effort each quarter was grueling. Lordy, I wanted to strangle him. But I soon reluctantly admitted he was the better grammarian.

But COVID arrived, technology far surpassed my knowledge, and I was old!! Darn, I hate saying that! 37 1/2 years is a long time. So I was the first to retire.

David's appreciation of life changed in 2014, as did the priorities in his life. Now David is off to the mountains. Up one hill, down another and following the paths of which poets write and viewing the vistas unseen by we of lesser stamina. You were and are the best of men, dear David. I can only borrow from Roy Rogers and Dale Evans when I say "Happy Trails to You."

Lynnette King - Former Margaret Chase Smith Library Colleague

The years I worked with David Richards will be remembered very fondly from my perspective. He was my colleague for many years before becoming the Library’s Director.  When reflecting upon my time working with him, three words consistently came to mind—dedication, community and thoughtfulness.

David’s dedication to the Margaret Chase Smith Library was evident as he was constantly working to keep her legacy alive both in and out of the Library. It was fun to see him leaving the Library for a speaking engagement with the cardboard cutout of young Margaret in tow ready to bring her to life in the eyes of school children and adults alike. He kept a very busy schedule and seeing his car in the parking lot long after the Library had closed speaks to me of his passion and dedication.

The Library’s programs and events are always well attended but I think part of that success has a lot to do with David personally as much as it does the specific program. He is well known in the Skowhegan community and that is because David is out there constantly supporting other individuals and organizations by attending programs and events in the community and throughout the state. He also brings the community into the Library on a regular basis keeping her name relevant all these years later.

The last word I’ll use to describe David Richards is thoughtful.  He is a very thoughtful person and much like Margaret Chase Smith did, he regularly takes the time to hand write letters to people. Not many still do that.  He also took the time to speak to individual staff members to perhaps inquire about a family member or an event that was important in their lives which showed me that he genuinely cared about us. We were a very small staff and I think it was definitely more like a family.

I wish him much happiness in retirement.  I’m thrilled that something good came out of his devastating encounter with that moose years ago—his passion for hiking. I expect he’ll be spending much of his time in the great outdoors. Congratulations, David!

Vanessa caron - former margaret chase smith colleague

My memories of David Richards, former Boss, co-worker, and friend.

David loved attending National baseball games, which sometimes included feeding hungry Northwood students he met up with along the way; Halloween, (handing out unique treats that included leftover McDonald's fries) trick or treat? ha, ha...; And Christmas; the Grinch movie, unusual gifts and memories of former celebrations included in his cards, typically arriving a day or so after the actual day.  

David encouraged me to develop my idea of a summer program for boys and girls, the Skowhegan Girl program based on Senator Smith's time as a young girl growing up in Skowhegan. 

And finally, the most difficult "Boss" to give my two week notice to after accepting a management position elsewhere, mainly because he did not believe in cellphones at that time.  

A good friend and confidant who deserves a long and healthy retirement.  Congratulations!

Rick and Linda Smith - hurricane cleaners

David was a joy to be and work around. He always had a compliment for us whether it was for just the cleaning or when we came in and did the annual carpet cleaning. After, I believe, over 20 years of cleaning the MCS Library, we enjoyed working there. It all started with Linda, Jenny and I and after a while Jenny went on her own to start her child care business. Linda and I continued on until we finally retired in December of 2021. David, you will be missed at the Library. Enjoy your retirement and all your hiking adventures. We hope to cross paths with you somewhere along the way. Happy Retirement from Linda, Jenny and Rick!

David Richards Throughout the Years

Upcoming events

The MCSL is an EEO/AA institution and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 Boudreau Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711.



June, 2024 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 40, No. 2

As we welcome summer, the staff of the Margaret Chase Smith Library is working on many exciting events! National History Day in Maine is headed to the national contest, we continue to update the facility with new storage materials, our Maine Town Meeting was a success, and our newest exhibit, “Painting an Inclusive History: Maine Women in Politics” is opening!

In this issue, you will learn about our recent library activities, educational opportunities, and various researchers and visitors.  Each staff member has written what they have been doing over the last few months. Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out our up coming events section to see what’s on the horizon.


by David Richards

“Don’t panic!” That was the message Michael Socolow wanted audience members to take away from his presentation at the Library’s recent Maine Town Meeting, the title of which was “Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Democracy.” A media historian in the Department of Communications and Journalism at the University of Maine, Prof. Socolow provided an overview of how new communication technologies from the telegraph to the movies to radio to television to the internet to social media have always disrupted society and politics.

Our guide to artificial intelligence was Jon Ippolito, professor of New Media and director of the Digital Curation Program at UMaine. His caution was not to get carried away by the hype surrounding AI. Misinformation and disinformation have long been part of politics. AI didn’t create the problem. Algorithms just makes it easier to spread virally.

The common thread I took away from both talks is that a functioning republican democracy still requires the same virtues in 2024 as it did in 1789, when the US Constitution was ratified – an informed and vigilant citizenry that acquires information broadly and assesses it independently and critically. If you would like to watch the two Maine Town Meeting lectures, and form your own opinions, you can access them on our YouTube channel (click here).

There was a third impromptu speaker at the Maine Town Meeting, Nhi Nguyen, the second-place winner in the 2024 Margaret Chase Smith Essay Contest. A senior at Oak Hill High School in Wales, Maine, Nhi attended the event to receive her prize. In her remarks, she outlined the proposals she had made in her essay about how young people should be protected from potential harm on the internet. She called for guidelines on internet data mining, individual privacy protections, and most of all, education for students in digital literacy.

Afterwards, many people remarked to me about how impressed they were by Nhi. Her essay was well written, her extemporaneous presentation was polished, and her personality was effervescent. She is destined to go far in life. Her plan is to attend Brown University pre-med. What Nhi most left an audience skewing gray with was hope – hope that the younger generations behind us are up for the challenges that lie ahead.

Hope was also the theme of the Library’s most recent book discussion of It Can’t Happen Here held a few days before the Maine Town Meeting. The current series on Future Visions has been decidedly dystopian. Readers were depressed by Sinclair Lewis’s account of how a fascist regime could come to power in the United States during the 1930s. Most couldn’t get far into Fort Beulah, Vermont’s descent into totalitarianism and abandoned the book. Some of the politics in the story hit too close to today. When I asked members of the group what their future visions were, no one wore rose-colored glasses, but everyone wanted to see at least a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

I will conclude with the hope that you have reasons to be hopeful, despite the rise of artificial intelligence and the demise of civil politics. Remember, ultimately, hope has to come from within, not without.

Jon Ippolito presenting at the 2024 Maine Town Meeting

Museum Assistant John Taylor and second place winner of our 2024 MCSL Essay Contest, Nhi Nguyen

Michael Socolow presenting at the 2024 Maine Town Meeting

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

National History Day in Maine 2024

As I write this I am preparing to head to the NHD National Contest at the University of Maryland in a week’s time. It’s been a fun and interesting contest season in Maine. Thanks to the late snowstorm in March, we had to pivot our plans and convert our Southern Regional Contest to a virtual experience. We were saddened to miss out on hosting the event with our new partners at the University of Southern Maine, but we all agree it was the right call. We cannot wait to have an in-person event there next year! The Northern Regional at John Bapst Memorial High School was a success, and our State Contest held in April at the University of Maine was our smoothest operation yet! Judges were impressed with the amount of research and the quality of work done by our middle and high school students. Thirty-four students will be heading to College Park, Maryland to compete against all affiliates starting June 9-13. During that time they will present their work to judges, trade buttons with other likeminded students, meet Senators King and Collins, attend a talk with filmmaker Ken Burns, display their projects at various sites on campus and in Washington DC, and hopefully return home with some national medals! As the State Coordinator, it is my job to advocate for our students, help run a smooth contest, and create itineraries and events for our team. It’s a long and exhaustive week, but it’s always one of my favorite parts of my job. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to see all the action happening at the National Contest!

2024 Margaret Chase Smith Library Essay Contest

The winners have been chosen for this year’s essay contest. You might remember, we asked Maine high school seniors the following question: Today teenagers use technology, more specifically the internet and social media, for a multitude of reasons. The benefits include creating relationships with people and developing personal identities through social networking and messaging, playing online games, and virtual learning. On the contrary, potential risks for adolescents consist of cyberbullying, trolling, isolation, and access to inappropriate material or relationships. The Library invited students to recommend what guidelines we as a society should establish for teenagers concerning their use of technology to ensure their personal safety and privacy.

What we received were a lot of thought provoking essays from across the state from Kennebunk to Fort Kent that questioned what was acceptable, what were the downsides of our tech savvy culture, and what we should deem an appropriate use to protect everyone in a virtual world. We as a staff grappled with many of these ideas ourselves. It was a tough decision to rank our top three, but we all agreed that there were a few that really stood out of the large stack of essays sitting on our desks.

The list of winners are as follows:

First Place ($1,000): Summer LaRose, John Bapst Memorial High School
Second Place ($500): Nhi Nguyen, Oak Hill High School
Third Place ($250): Anna Weber, Medomak Valley High School
Honorable Mention ($50):
Aubrey Hanscom, John Bapst Memorial High School
Makayla Morello, Westbrook High School
Ainsley Overlock, John Bapst Memorial High School
Alina Schueman, Greely High School
Natalie Waloven, Yarmouth High School

The Exhibit Hall at the 2024 NHD in ME State Contest

Nicole Rancourt and John Taylor at the 2024 NHD in ME State Contest

Packing supplies for the 2024 NHD National Contest

learning Lounge

by Kim Nelson

As the others have mentioned, we have been in a flurry of activities this spring and it doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon. This is fantastic in many ways but does cause some projects to become more backburner such as my working with Past Perfect-our collection management system. However, it is nice to interact with many students, both elementary and high school, as they learn about Senator Smith and our incredible facility. I put together a high school museum research hunt, similar to the one I updated for elementary students, with a graphic novel/comic strip format. This one focused on political cartoons that are on display in the museum, certain aspects of the Senator’s career, and supported a program Nicole was doing. For students traversing the museum to answer questions, locating items, and pondering the meaning of a cartoon takes them through the journey of Senator Smith’s life and career, and it allows us to sneakily reinforce learning skills.

I recently worked with a researcher who was looking for a connection between Senator Smith, Guatemala, and her suggestion of a coffee ban from that country. There was a great political cartoon, (that sadly we do not have the rights to but the researcher was able to obtain permission to use) along with a few additional items I located which lead, as it often does with research, to more questions. I found four more political cartoons and a variety of information to assist the researcher’s expanded area of interest. The fun thing for me assisting researchers is how it takes me along the expedition with the researcher as I learn a new little something about Senator Smith’s career.

Finally, Nicole and I traveled to attend the Maine Library Association annual conference in May. John joined us later in the day. As an introvert, going to these things are always anxiety inducing but the rewards make it worth it. What happens at a library conference you might wonder: author talks and book signings, great speakers, meetings, awards, geeking out on things librarians geek out about such as light up swords being given away (I may perhaps now own one), lots of discussions about books, program ideas, legal issues libraries face, and ways to support patrons and one another. Librarians love to help even if it is just to point out that the coffee has been removed for the day (there is then great commiseration). You put a large group of introverts together at a conference and it can become a quiet event - thank goodness for those extrovert librarians! I attended some fantastic sessions that helped me flesh out program ideas that have been bouncing around inside my head for years. The conference theme this year was Libraries: Beacons of Democracy, therefore, there were many interesting sessions along these lines. I was extremely excited for two programs pertaining to archives while one exceeded my expectations and one didn’t fill me with any new creative sparks, both highlighted the variety of ways in which archives can be utilized in education. Nicole and John’s brilliant session was well attended by enthusiastic librarians even if it was at the end of the day and in the warmest room at the conference. There was plenty of interest in what they shared and I believe everyone left feeling a bit more empowered to plan for disasters at their own facilities. I contributed by taking the world’s most unflattering photos of Nicole and John. I was also able to chat with some of my former professors, classmates, librarian friends, and even made a few new contacts for future programs. I come away feeling refreshed and gratified that librarianship is my life both personally and professionally. Some library themed stickers, pens, bookmarks, and a light up sword doesn’t hurt either.

Sample of our museum scavenger hunt

Meeting up with friends at the Maine Library Association Conference

Margaret’s Washington and You article

Research Roundup

by Nicole Potter

Painting an Inclusive History: Maine Women in Politics

The Margaret Chase Smith (MCS) Library opened an exhibition of Maine artist Jerri Whitman’s work on May 20th, 2024.  Based in Dresden, Maine, Whitman is a longtime artist who works in oil, pastel, acrylic, colored pencil and graphite. Presently, Whitman is working to create a portrait of every woman from Maine who has been elected to the Maine Legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives, or the U.S. Senate. The first twenty-six of these portraits are featured in “Painting an Inclusive History: Maine Women in Politics” and this exhibition will be on display at the MCS Library until Wednesday, November 27th, 2024. 

On Thursday, June 20th, from 4pm to 7pm, there will be a public opening reception for “Painting an Inclusive History” at the MCS Library in Skowhegan, Maine. This event will be free and open to all, there will be light refreshments served, and brief welcoming remarks will be given at 5pm. RSVPs for this event are encouraged but not required. You can RSVP using this LINK or by calling the Margaret Chase Smith Library (207) 474-7133. 

Whitman started painting the portraits included in “Painting an Inclusive History” after a trip to the Maine State House with her granddaughter in 2022. As they walked the halls, the two of them  could not help but notice that the only portrait of a female elected official was that of Senator Margaret Chase Smith, which hangs in the Hall of Flags. All other portraits feature male politicians. While this initial visit was spurred by Whitman’s original desire to paint a portrait of Governor Janet Mills, Whitman realized she had to widen her scope. 

All twenty-six portraits are of women whose commitment to the state of Maine is worthy of recognition – and a portrait. Many of the portraits are those of “firsts,” including Dora Pinkham, the first woman elected to the Maine Legislature; Governor Janet Mills, the first woman to serve as Maine’s Attorney General and Governor; Rachel Talbot Ross, Maine's first African-American House Speaker, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, Maine’s first female Secretary of State, and Senator Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman to serve in both houses of Congress and the first woman to have her name placed in nomination for president at a major political party convention. Senator Smith is the subject of two portraits included in this exhibition - one of which will stay permanently at the MCS Library. 

The staff of the MCS Library encourages everyone to either attend the public opening reception on Thursday, June 20th, from 4pm to 7pm, or visit the MCS Library before the exhibition ends in November 2024. To learn more about the exhibition please visit the MCS Library’s website or click here to RSVP for the public opening

Presentation at the Maine Library Association Conference 

John Taylor and I put in a proposal earlier this year for the Maine Library Association Annual Conference which was accepted. Our presentation, entitled If There's Something Weird (and it don't look good) Who You Gonna Call?: Disaster Planning and Preparedness for Libraries,” took place at the end of the first day of the conference. 

We opened with how the Margaret Chase Smith (MCS) Library wrote our original disaster plan and how the plan has been updated and regularly reviewed since. There were slides about the supplies that the MSC Library has purchased to outfit our disaster kits and carts and what supplies have been most utilized since purchasing. We discussed the MCS Library’s regular staff training on disaster preparedness and how we structure them. To close we shared a curated list of pre-existing resources to help guide and support other institutions disaster planning and preparedness. 

The presentation was well attended and there was an excellent Q&A that followed. John and I certainly felt that our presentation was particularly timely as Maine has been experiencing more major or unusual weather events in recent years. All Maine libraries should be at a level of preparedness so when something weird happens they know who they're gonna call (and what they're gonna do). 

While I had attended MLA in the past this was my first time presenting at this conference. I greatly enjoyed the experience of presenting with John and attending additional sessions at MLA alongside my other colleague Kim Nelson.

Public opening flyer

Kim Nelson and Nicole Potter at the Maine Library Association Annual Conference.

Painting an Inclusive History installed at the MCSL.

Upcoming events

The MCSL is an EEO/AA institution and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 Boudreau Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711.



March, 2024 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 40, No. 1

As we welcome spring, the staff of the Margaret Chase Smith Library is working on many exciting events! National History Day in Maine planning is underway, we continue to update the facility with new storage materials, and the twenty-eighth annual Margaret Chase Smith essay contest is still open.

In this issue, you will learn about our recent library activities, educational opportunities, and various researchers and visitors.  Each staff member has written what they have been doing over the last few months. Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out our up coming events section to see what’s on the horizon.


by David Richards

In case you haven’t heard, there’s a presidential campaign going on in 2024. It will be our last one before the nation celebrates the 250th anniversary of its independence in 2026. Let’s hope the democratic experiment survives the upcoming election, without a repeat of January 6th.

The Library will approach the topic in two ways. The first is through a book discussion series titled “Future Visions.” I have selected five books by authors who have had the imagination to look ahead at the human condition. We began in February with Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy. In this third highest selling work of fiction in the United States during the nineteenth century, Bellamy envisioned from the vantage point of 1887 a social, economic, and political paradise of cooperation, plenty, and peace, where inequality had been eradicated.

From March to June, the Library book group will gather once a month on the third Tuesday of the month to discuss the future visions presented in The Time Machine (1895) by H. G. Wells, The Iron Heel (1908) by Jack London, It Can’t Happen Here (1935) by Sinclair Lewis, and The Parable of the Sower (1993) by Octavia Butler. If you would like to join the lively group, contact me at And don’t let distance be an obstacle. We do offer a Zoom option and have participants from as far away as Juneau, Alaska.

Our second election year initiative is the 2024 Maine Town Meeting, which will be held on Friday, May 10th. The theme this year will be potential impacts of artificial intelligence on democracy. Our guides for the morning will be two members of the University of Maine faculty, Jon Ippolito and Michael Socolow. Ippolito is professor of New Media and director of the Digital Curation program. He will help us navigate and understand the brave new world of artificial intelligence. AI Margaret Chase Smith may even be asked to weigh in on the subject. Socolow is a professor in the Department of Communications and Journalism. Drawing upon his background as a media historian, he will explain how successive waves of new media technology have transformed American presidential politics since the late nineteenth century.

More information on the Maine Town Meeting will be sent out at the beginning of April. In the meantime, please reserve May 10th on your calendar. More important, remember that the founders of our democratic republic believed that the experiment would only succeed if citizens were virtuous, vigilant, informed, and engaged. The Library will give you the chance to sharpen these vital civic qualities in the coming months. Please join us.

Jon Ippolito

Cover of Looking Backward

Michael Socolow

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

National History Day in Maine 2024

Contest Season is underway and I am excited to say we are growing! The registration numbers have nearly tripled for the Northern Regional Contest, and our new partners the University of Southern Maine have been great to work with the last few months. I am currently in the thick of planning and coordinating multiple contests right now. Our Southern Regional will be taking place on March 23 and the Northern Regional is happening one week later on March 30. With more participants we have been looking to see how to gracefully expand our State Contest at the University of Maine. Meetings there have been productive and I anticipate one of our largest events in Orono next month on April 27!

As always I need judges. If interested in judging for our State Contest please reach out to me at Remember, you do not have to be an expert. Librarians, historians, archivists, educators, and armchair historians are all welcome to participate. We will provide an orientation on contest day and supply you with the necessary tools for judging as the event approaches.

2024 Margaret Chase Smith Library Essay Contest
Final notice. Our annual essay contest is nearing the end! This year we are asking Maine high school seniors to write about the impact of technology on privacy and safety. 

In 1964, Senator Margaret Chase Smith discussed the “very profound changes that science and technology have brought upon our way of life.” She noted that the “probable future effects” of technology on civilization was “breathtaking” and “awesome,” but to some “downright fearful.” The Senator described these skeptics and their “moral faintheartedness” as apprehensive people concerned that new technology would cause our society to become “automated, mechanized and synthesized.” She further emphasized that she did not share in their pessimism that computers would dominate “the thinking of our society that we will become a ‘robotized’ society dominated by a mental laziness that not only lets the machines do, but ultimately dominate, our thinking.”

Sixty years later, Senator Smith could not fathom the role technology plays in our daily lives. Today teenagers use technology, more specifically the internet and social media, for a multitude of reasons. The benefits include creating relationships with people and developing personal identities through social networking and messaging, playing online games, and virtual learning. On the contrary, potential risks for adolescents consist of cyberbullying, trolling, isolation, and access to inappropriate material or relationships. In a recent article the American Psychological Association quoted Mary Alvord, PhD saying “Just as we decide when kids are old enough to drive, and we teach them to be good drivers, we can establish guidelines and teach children to use social media safely.” The Margaret Chase Smith Library invites students to recommend what guidelines we as a society should establish for teenagers concerning their use of technology to ensure their personal safety and privacy.

For more information and contest guidelines you can click here. Please pass this along to any high school seniors you may know. Essays are due April 2, 2024. First prize is $1,000!

The Exhibit Hall at the 2023 NHD in ME State Contest.

John Taylor and Nicole Rancourt giving instruction to judges at the 2023 NHD in ME State Contest.

A sampling of medalists at the NHD in ME 2023 State Contest

learning Lounge

by Kim Nelson

It has been thrilling to be a small part of the much needed changes in the storage room at our facility. It is fascinating the unique and mostly one of a kind items, that only a limited number of individuals have seen, are in the process of being properly preserved. Taking archival classes while getting my Library Degree, led me to this facility years ago, and I am pleased to be able to put into practice the things I learned. I am truly looking forward to doing the complete inventory that will take place once the items are in their new homes. I love doing inventory, usually of books, but this is such an outstanding opportunity that it may become my favorite inventory experience, certainly better than inventorying airplane nuts and bolts of my first job out of high school. Knowing you are part of preserving history for future generations is an honor and I am grateful to be a part of this process. This project will also leave me with years of work for data processing/cataloging into our software and I am excited to get started as this is the other aspect of my work that I absolutely love.

Field trips have started to return. It is wonderful to represent Senator Smith to our younger members of society. I loved going on field trips at school as well as trips with my parents to various museums and special sites.Some of those experiences with the individuals who interacted with us students and younger visitors left a wonderful lasting impression on me. I hope in my interactions with these young scholars, I pass along the excitement and wonder of learning about interesting people and places that affected and sometimes continue to affect our lives while providing a fun experience that they, too, will remember for years to come.Playing rounds of Margaret Chase Smith Bingo never gets old and is tons of fun for the students and myself. If you know a teacher or school who would be interested in visiting our facility, please have them reach out to the library to schedule a trip.The library does have the ability to pay for bussing for field trips.

National History Day competitions are just around the corner and I am so happy I was asked to be a judge a few years ago. Spring would just not be the same for me without participating in this competition. I look forward to these competition days to talk with and learn from students who are passionate about their projects. While I truly enjoy the website and documentary projects, I find that no matter what category I judge the presentation of knowledge by the students is incredible. Please consider being a judge for this worthwhile program.

Margaret Chase Smith Bingo is a big hit with our field trip students.

One of many field trip groups visiting the Library this year.

One of the many unique artifacts in storage at the Library.

Research Roundup

by Nicole Potter

Current and Upcoming Exhibitions

First, I would like to highlight the fantastic response the Margaret Chase Smith Library has received to our interactive exhibition, “Connections to Margaret”! It can be difficult to remember that, despite her long list of credentials and accomplishments, Margaret had many traits, characteristics, habits, and experiences that many of us can relate to. Visitors to the MCS Library are invited to weave threads through the hooks next to the connections they share with Margaret, creating a visual representation of their overlapping interests, lives, and preferences. We’ve had a multitude of visitors engage with “Connections to Margaret '' since it was installed in August 2023 and today some of the most common connections are “Gone Snowshoeing," "Swam in a Lake,” and “Favorite Color is Blue.” Shout out to Kim Nelson, Library Coordinator, for helping students navigate this exhibition while on field trips to the MCS Library! 

Second, I am excited to announce an upcoming exhibition of artist Jerri Whitman’s portraits at the Margaret Chase Smith Library! Spurred by her surprise that the only woman whose portrait can be found at the Maine State House is Senator Margaret Chase Smith, which hangs in the Hall of Flags, Whitman is working to paint portraits of every woman who has been elected to the Maine Legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives, and U.S. Senate. There have been twenty-five portraits completed so far and the subjects include Senator Margaret Chase Smith, Governor Janet Mills, Sara Gideon, and Dora Pinkham. Previously all of the portraits, except for Senator Smith, were shown at the Maine State House, as a one day pop-up exhibition. Whitman’s portrait of Senator Smith will be shown for the first time to the public at the Margaret Chase Smith Library! 

The Library is delighted to host Jerri Whitman’s portraits of Maine female politicians and the exhibition will be on display starting Monday, May 20th, and will remain open until Wednesday, November 27th, 2024. There will be an opening reception for the exhibition on Thursday, June 20th, from 4pm to 7pm. We encourage everyone interested to come and visit the Margaret Chase Smith Library while the exhibition is on display. The Margaret Chase Smith Library is open to the public Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and reservations are highly encouraged for visitors. To make a reservation please call (207) 474-7133. Also, keep your eye out for further programming around the exhibition which will be announced on the Library’s website.

Finally, staff at the MCS Library is also currently developing several other upcoming exhibits. Topics for these include Senator Smith’s connection to the United States Navy Nurse Corps, a lyrical examination of Billy Joel’s song “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” and exploration of the media coverage of Senator Smith’s 1964 presidential campaign. Additionally, there are hopes to host another student exhibition this fall.

Updating Collection Storage - Part II

When I wrote my section for the December 2023 newsletter, we were still in the process of moving the artifacts out of  the MCS Library basement storage room and into temporary storage. Since then, all artifacts have been moved, the old storage furniture has been disassembled and moved out, the room has been cleaned, new storage furniture has been assembled, and the artifacts have begun to be moved back into the storage room onto the new furniture. Collections care tasks have been incorporated into this workflow, this includes an inventory of the collections stored in the basement and condition surveys of individual artifacts. The new storage furniture that’s been assembled is compact shelving, which is designed for high-density storage of artifacts and allows us to utilize our limited storage space at the MCS Library most efficiently. We were thrilled to donate the old storage shelving and cabinets to the Skowhegan History House where they can continue to be utilized. We’ve made huge strides!

“Connections to Margaret” interactive exhibit.

Artist Jerri Whitman working in her studio.

Nicole Potter and John Taylor celebrating the completion of the first shelving unit with a ribbon cutting.

Upcoming events

The MCSL is an EEO/AA institution and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 Boudreau Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711.



December, 2023 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 39, No. 4

As we head into winter, the staff of the Margaret Chase Smith Library is working on many exciting events! National History Day in Maine planning is underway, we continue to update the facility with new storage materials, our annual fund drive is happening, and the twenty-eighth annual Margaret Chase Smith essay contest is now open. We hope everyone continues to be safe and healthy during this holiday season.

In this issue, you will learn about our recent library activities, educational opportunities, and various researchers and visitors. Each staff member has written what they have been doing over the last few months. Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out our up coming events section to see what’s on the horizon.


by David Richards

It has been a busy fall at the Library. You will read about many of the projects the staff has been working on in the updates to follow from my colleagues. One of the tasks occupying my time has been the annual fund drive. We are grateful to our donors. Their support gives life to many of our programs. The Margaret Chase Smith Foundation, which provides the funding for the Library, budgets up to $6000 per year to cover the cost of school field trips. Another $2000 funds prizes for the annual Margaret Chase Smith Essay Contest open to Maine high school seniors. Getting out the mailing for this competition has been another fall project. The topic for 2024 will be how to protect the safety and privacy of young people on the internet.

The Library is also fortunate to have had several named bequests established over the years to support specific programs. The Colonel Paul D. LaFond Fund set up by his family defrays the expenses of the Maine Town Meeting held each spring. The Leeke-Shaw Lecture on International Affairs held in the fall is named after two friends and supporters of Senator Smith, Ada E. Leeke and Captain Evelyn H. Shaw.

The Library recently hosted another Leeke-Shaw Lecture. It featured Prof. Daniel Sandweiss, who is an archaeologist at the University of Maine. He spoke about the long-term effects of climate change on the Andean region of South America, specifically in Peru. You can watch a video of his presentation on the Library’s YouTube channel by clicking here.

Recent annual fund drives seeded the establishment of the Merton G. and Harriet P. Henry Memorial Leadership Fund. It has been supplemented by a significant bequest from Capt. Georgia McKearly, Senator Smith’s dear friend and a founding director of the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation. The 2022 annual fund drive brought the promise of another bequest from an admirer of Senator Smith.

We are honored by all this generous support. It makes the Library’s work possible. If you would like to help carry on Margaret Chase Smith’s legacies of civic engagement, personal civility, and democratic service, at a time when these values have never been more sorely needed in our nation’s history, you can mail a donation to the Margaret Chase Smith Foundation at PO Box 4510, Portland, ME 04112-4510.  I extend our thanks to those of you who have already made a contribution to the 2023 annual fund drive and wish everyone a happy holiday season. I hope to see you at the Library sometime in 2024!

Capt. Evelyn Shaw with Margaret Chase Smith and Mert Henry (1990).

Prof. Daniel Sandweiss presenting at the 2023 Leeke-Shaw Lecture.

Col. Paul LaFond at the 2006 Maine Town Meeting.

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

National History Day in Maine 2024
As we settle into the winter months planning for the upcoming National History Day in Maine season continues to roll on. Lots of changes are coming in 2024! 

My colleague Nicole Rancourt from the Maine Humanities Council and I have visited multiple parts of the state looking to expand the program. Thanks to a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities we took a trip to the County, Machias, and Farmington. All meetings were productive, but one has shown some real promise. We met with educators, librarians, and museum directors in Presque Isle to discuss the possibility of establishing NHD in the area. I am pleased to announce that plans are underway to create a revolving program where University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI) preservice teachers will serve as ambassadors and mentors for NHD and help introduce it to educators and students throughout Aroostook County. We hope to begin training and implementation in the fall of 2024! 

Furthermore, after five years working with Maine MILL in Lewiston, we made the difficult decision to move our southern regional contest to Portland. Our partnership with the Maine MILL has been fruitful, but we have outgrown the facility 's resources. With the help of our friends at the Osher Map Library and the History Department at the University of Southern Maine we are jazzed about our new collaboration with USM. A contest date has not been set, but I will be visiting campus this month to finalize the details. We look forward to this partnership and think it will not only benefit the University of Maine system, but also provide better opportunities for students and teachers alike.

Registration for all contests will open on January 3, 2024. A call for judges will be going out at that time. If interested please contact me at I will gladly put you on my mailing list. Remember, you do not have to be an expert. Librarians, historians, archivists, educators, and armchair historians are all welcome to participate. We will provide an orientation on contest day and supply you with the necessary tools for judging as the event approaches. As of this writing, the contest dates are as follows:

  • Southern Regional (Portland)-TBD

  • Northern Regional (Bangor)-March 30

  • State Contest (Orono)-April 27

  • National Contest (College Park, MD)-June 9-13

2024 Margaret Chase Smith Library Essay Contest
In other news, our annual essay contest has begun! This year we are asking Maine high school seniors to write about the impact of technology on privacy and safety. 

In 1964, Senator Margaret Chase Smith discussed the “very profound changes that science and technology have brought upon our way of life.” She noted that the “probable future effects” of technology on civilization was “breathtaking” and “awesome,” but to some “downright fearful.” The Senator described these skeptics and their “moral faintheartedness” as apprehensive people concerned that new technology would cause our society to become “automated, mechanized and synthesized.” She further emphasized that she did not share in their pessimism that computers would dominate “the thinking of our society that we will become a ‘robotized’ society dominated by a mental laziness that not only lets the machines do, but ultimately dominate, our thinking.”

Sixty years later, Senator Smith could not fathom the role technology plays in our daily lives. Today teenagers use technology, more specifically the internet and social media, for a multitude of reasons. The benefits include creating relationships with people and developing personal identities through social networking and messaging, playing online games, and virtual learning. On the contrary, potential risks for adolescents consist of cyberbullying, trolling, isolation, and access to inappropriate material or relationships. In a recent article the American Psychological Association quoted Mary Alvord, PhD saying “Just as we decide when kids are old enough to drive, and we teach them to be good drivers, we can establish guidelines and teach children to use social media safely.” The Margaret Chase Smith Library invites students to recommend what guidelines we as a society should establish for teenagers concerning their use of technology to ensure their personal safety and privacy.

For more information and contest guidelines you can click here. Please pass this along to any high school seniors you may know. Essays are due April 2, 2024. First prize is $1,000!

Maine Archives and Museums Annual Conference
I have proudly served on the board for Maine Archives and Museums for nearly four years. The organization’s annual conference took place in October in Presque Isle. As chair of the Board’s Technology Committee, a few colleagues and I were tasked with maintaining a hybrid option for conference attendees. It was a bit of a challenge but was a success in the end. I enjoyed many talks ranging from volunteer recruitment to emergency planning, and an amazing keynote address from Dr. Paul Buck on the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 which established the boundary between British North America and the United States. I have already begun adapting what I learned into best practices for the Library.

United State Senate Youth Leadership Program
Finally, every year we have the privilege to host ten of the brightest high school juniors and seniors in the state for the United States Senate Youth Leadership Program. This year was no different. Director David Richards along with representatives from both Senator King and Senator Collins’ offices served as judges interviewing the students and assessing their impromptu speeches to determine which two will receive $10,000 scholarships and an all expense paid trip to Washington, DC to see how the government works. Personally, it’s one of my favorite days. I wrote this year’s speech prompt asking students to create a fictional political party and its platform. I also spent time giving a small lecture on the effect of third parties in presidential elections and educating them about the life and career of Margaret Chase Smith. Already looking forward to hosting once again in 2024!

Nicole Rancourt and John Taylor visiting with educational leaders in Presque Isle to begin NHD planning.

This year’s finalist for the United States Senate Youth Leadership Program.

John Taylor working hard at the annual Maine Archives and Museum’s annual conference.

learning Lounge

by Kim Nelson

For the fifth year, my colleagues honored my request that we combine our money to purchase books for the annual Skowhegan Public LIbrary Fall book drive. We were able to purchase 5 books. When picking out the books, I am mindful of Senator Smith and try to pick books that might have some meaning or connection to her or to Maine. I highly recommend you to check out your local library and see if there is an item missing from their collection that they might want.

This year the staff was once again unable to participate in the local trunk or treat event. We were able to donate candy for the event. Community involvement was important to Senator Smith and something I take seriously when having the library participate in events. Not only are we representing her and her library but we are helping our fellow community members which brings me a source of gratitude.

I have been steadily cataloging photographs and am excited to see the end in sight. Once this first go through is complete, a more hands on portion will begin. This will be physically looking at each photograph to measure its size, check on its condition, and note any further information that can be put in the catalog to make the record as complete as possible. Having as complete a record as possible is my goal as a librarian. One of the things I love about being a librarian is working in the details in a catalog knowing I am assisting patrons as well as assuring the information is preserved for future reference.

This year’s book donation to the Skowhegan Free Public Library.

Library staff participating in the Skowhegan trunk or treat event in 2021. We hope to take part in the event once again in 2024!

Organized by the Skowhegan Bankery staff, we were happy to be one of the sponsors for this year’s trunk or treat.

Research Roundup

by Nicole Potter

Attending the NEMA Annual Conference

In November I had the opportunity to attend a portion of the New England Museum Association (NEMA) annual conference held in Portland, ME. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet with colleagues from across the region and the programming was excellent. I sat in on sessions about exhibition development, digital preservation, and creating accessible collections. Additionally, I was able to attend Cheyney McKnight’s keynote address, A Post-Mortem on Museums and the Summer of 2020. This address was a highlight of my time at the NEMA conference, I certainly came away from it with a lot to consider. I look forward to attending more NEMA events in the future and growing my connections with cultural heritage institutions throughout New England. 

Updating Collection Storage

The Margaret Chase Smith Library houses over 4,000 unique objects, the majority of which are stored in the Library’s basement collection storage room. These objects can be broken down into the three categories - three dimensional objects in a range of sizes, textiles, and framed artwork/photographs/works on paper - although there are some outliers. After long consideration how best to ensure the preservation of and access to these objects, the Library staff have decided to update the Library’s collection storage.

The goals of updating the Library’s collection storage are to eliminate storage conditions that contribute to the deterioration of objects, to make objects in storage more accessible to Library staff, and to maximize the space available in the basement storage room. With this in mind several new pieces of collection storage furniture were purchased - two new clothing racks, an additional chrome plated steel cart, and two units of compact storage comprised of chrome plated steel shelving. Compact shelving, also known as high-density storage systems, are useful for collection storage areas with space limitations. 

Before the new collection storage furniture can be assembled, objects had to be moved into temporary storage elsewhere in the Library’s basement. This temporary move has allowed for an opportunity to inventory and conduct a condition survey of the collection. At the time of this newsletter we have almost completed moving all the objects into temporary storage and both the inventory and condition survey are in process.

Our next step will be to remove the old storage furniture from the room. This is done to create room for assembly of new collection storage furniture, in particular the Library’s recently purchased compact shelving units. The Library chose compact shelving units with five ranges of shelving that slide along a floor track. They are comprised of open chrome-plated steel shelves, which are durable, provide good air circulation, and are most suited to objects housed in archival grade boxes. These shelving ranges compact together and can be moved apart for the retrieval of objects then moved back together again. Each shelving range can support up to 2,000 pounds and the shelves are all adjustable to suit the Library’s collection storage needs. 

Once the compact shelving is assembled, objects will be moved out of temporary storage and into new permanent storage on its shelves. The other collection furniture, clothing racks and carts, will also be filled and placed back into the basement collections storage room. This is a very exciting project for the Library to be undertaking and one I look forward to updating you all on in 2024!

Storage space is getting harder to come by as more and more of the collection is moved to make way for assembly of the new shelving units.

Nicole Potter stands with the final black metal cabinet to be taken out of the storage area.

Shelving that will soon be replaced.

Upcoming events

The MCSL is an EEO/AA institution and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 Boudreau Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711.



September, 2023 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 39, No. 3

As we head into the fall season, the staff of the Margaret Chase Smith Library is planning many exciting events! National History Day in Maine will be hosting teacher workshops and focus groups, field trips will commence, we continue to update the facility with new storage materials, and we are routinely refining our emergency planning to better protect our collections We hope everyone continues to be safe and healthy.

In this issue, you will learn about our recent library activities, educational opportunities, and various researchers and visitors. Each staff member has written what they have been doing over the last few months. Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out our up coming events section to see what’s on the horizon.


by David Richards

If this column wasn’t called Directions, it would be called Connections. Elsewhere in the newsletter, you will read about a new interactive exhibit. “Connections to Margaret” invites viewers to see the ways their lives are connected to Senator Smith’s. We are not all going to serve in Congress, but we all have families, homes, hobbies, memories, and favorites. One of the things I love about my job is seeing the web of relationships that get made between the past and the present, and hopefully to the future as well.

I was reminded of connections during the recent Margaret Chase Smith Appreciation Day on August 26th. One of the visitors was Robin Lisherness. For over three decades from the mid-1970s until 2010, he was involved in the award-winning speech and drama program at Skowhegan Area High School. Speaking of connections, the head of the program when he arrived was Elizabeth Merrill, who was Margaret Chase Smith’s neighbor across the street and the grandmother of our current maintenance worker, Amos Reid.

Mr. Lisherness came carrying scrapbooks his mother had compiled over the years. Some of the articles they contained pertained to Margaret. One was about a student who had won an award for re-creating Senator Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience.”

What had first caught my eye as Mr. Lisherness strode down the hallway was the military jacket with squadron insignias that he was wearing. The story he told was that it had belonged to Senator Smith’s long-time chief of staff, General William Lewis, and that she had given it to him after Bill’s death. In addition, she also presented him with one of her husband Clyde’s suits for use in a drama production. I enjoyed learning about Mr. Lisherness’s connections to Margaret, which he had then passed on to his students through the years.

What really made my day, though, was meeting a teacher at the other end of the educational spectrum, someone who was at the beginning of his career rather than in retirement. Neal Young was one of the last visitors to show up and came with his wife and eleven-month-old daughter. He was a local Social Studies teacher, who wanted to learn more about Senator Smith. What caught my attention about him was the passion he proclaimed for teaching the Constitution to young people. Bless you, Neal Young!

I was gleeful to introduce him to several relevant connections. The first was that his colleague at Lawrence High School in Fairfield, Maine, Tyler Duran, was married at Margaret’s home and his wife, Sarah, is Margaret’s great grandniece. The more important connection, however, was what Senator Smith always kept in her pocketbook that is still kept next to her bed in her house-- a copy of the United States Constitution.

These two encounters were the perfect brackets for Margaret Chase Smith Appreciation Day and kickoff to the new academic year. I am reassured to know that there are still young educators like Neal Young eager and enthusiastic to show students how the Constitution can connect “we the people” from many into one, if we don’t let our house become divided by petty partisanship and righteous rancor, as in the days of McCarthyism in the past and alas, also too often in our own present day.

Robin Lisherness with Drama Class students from Skowhegan Area High School (1978)

Clyde Smith’s Suit in a SAHS Theatrical Production

Senator Smith’s Pocket Copy of the Constitution

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

National History Day in Maine 2023

Another successful season of National History Day in Maine is in the books! In June I spent nearly a week representing our program and helping to coordinate the NHD national contest at the University of Maryland. It was the first in-person national event in four years and it was great to be back. After landing in Baltimore and traveling to College Park I spent my first day helping with final preparations and assisting new coordinators getting acclimated to the UMD campus. Then we were off to the races. My days were filled with greeting and checking-in competitors from all over the world, meetings with the Maine student delegation, running around campus to give Maine competitors words of encouragement before their judge times, judging senior papers, traversing Washington DC with our students, visiting Senators King and Collins, touring the Capitol Building and the Library of Congress, and celebrating our national winners at the award ceremony!

The Margaret Chase Smith Library has been the primary organizer and sponsor of NHD in Maine for a decade, and we are proud to say that 9 out of those 10 years we have had a national winner. This year our Outstanding Affiliate Award winners were Carolyne Sauda and Kathryn Busko from Bangor High School and Cora Berry, Clara McDuffie, and Simone Sites from Greely Middle School. Saud and Busko earned the award for their Senior Group Documentary about Senator Edmund Muskie entitled Mr. Clean’s Water Act: A New Frontier in Environmental Legislation. To see their submission click here.  Berry, McDuffie, and Sites received recognition for their Junior Group Exhibit entitled Frances Glessner Lee: “Mother of Forensic Science”. They also made it to the final round of judging and ended with a fifth place ranking in the country. Finally, our national medalist was David Gilbert from Greely Middle School. He was awarded the Discovery or Exploration in History Award for his Junior Individual Documentary entitled On Top of the World: The Frontiers Faced by Matthew Henson and Robert Peary in their Quest for the North Pole. To see the winning documentary click here.

Fifty-seven students qualified to participate at the national contest. Twenty-eight of them were able to compete in this year’s national contest. We hope more will be willing to travel down to Maryland next year to partake in the fun!

Speaking of next year, plans for the 2024 contest season are underway. It’s the 50th anniversary of the national program. To celebrate we will be using their very first theme; Turning Points in History. Teacher workshops will hopefully be happening in Bangor this fall. My colleague Nicole Rancourt from the Maine Humanities Council and I will be traveling to Presque Isle, Machias, and Farmington within the next two months to try and expand the program using grant funds we received from the National Endowment for the Humanities. More exciting news is in the pipeline, but I cannot share with you just yet. Be sure to visit our webpage to keep up to date!

Carolyne Sauda and Kathryn Busko from Bangor High School.

David Gilbert from Greely Middle school shaking hands with NHD Executive Director Cathy Gorn.

Cora Berry and Clara McDuffie pictured with their teacher Katie Cassesse from Greely Middle School.

learning Lounge

by Kim Nelson

Even with the rainy summer, the library was able to have some fun with visitors and programs. The mudpies and fireflies slime program co sponsored with Skowhegan Free Public Library and their Summer Reading Program was originally scheduled for the end of June but it rained on both the original date and the rain date. The earlier postponed slime program took place on Margaret Chase Smith Appreciation Day in August. On that rainy Saturday, around 50 children and parents came to make mudpie slime which included cute plastic veggies and potting soil or to make fireflies slime with glow in the dark powder and glow in the dark bugs. It seemed that both parents and children enjoyed the fireflies slime as it was easily the more popular and messier table. Gabrielle, the new youth librarian at Skowhegan Free Public Library, decided to mix both to create a new type of slime. Currently unsure how that experiment fared. None of the Margaret Chase Smith Library staff made any slime, an oversight on our part we are sure. Participants had the opportunity to have some free snacks courtesy of the Library including bags of cotton candy (invented near the year of Margaret Chase Smith’s birth) as well as rock candy. Most children took home a packet of coloring pages pertaining to Senator Smith. Even with this being an indoor event, most of the slime did manage to stay on the tables or in the take home buckets. The glow in the dark plastic bugs went home with participants or were donated to the Skowhegan Free Public Library where, unfortunately, they are not the type of bugs the library’s pet frogs can consume, but I am confident the little critters will find their way into another program there.

Another indoor event this year was John Meader and his Northern Stars Planetarium hosted by the Margaret Chase Smith Library for the Skowhegan Free Public Library Summer Reading Program. It is my favorite program. Two separate age groups were able to enter into the dome and enjoy the different programs offered and learn about our solar system. The adults who entered the dome enjoyed the shows as well. I, personally, enjoyed listening to the ABC solar system program. Initial talks are happening at the Margaret Chase Smith Library to do an eclipse program next year for the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 with John Meader and the Skowhegan Free Public Library.

George W. Mitchell day camp children and chaperones came in July to spend some time playing Margaret Chase Smith bingo, learning about the archives, being a researcher in the museum, and getting a tour of the Senator’s home.

This field trip reminds the staff that school groups will soon be visiting the library once they are settled into their new school year. If you know of any schools or teachers who would like to visit the library, please have them contact the library for more information. We love to talk about Margaret Chase Smith with students.

A thank you to all who voted on the name for the new elementary school, the Margaret Chase Smith Community School. It is currently being constructed in Skowhegan. It is a lasting legacy to our dear Senator.

Making mudpie slime!

John Meader’s Planetarium set up in our seminar room.

Veggies at the ready for the mudpie slime.

Research Roundup

by Nicole Potter


The Margaret Chase Smith Library was thrilled to open three new exhibitions this summer! 

The first was a hosted exhibition curated by a student for the National History Day (NHD) in Maine 2023 competition. Developed by Sadie Williams, a Waterville Senior High School student and recipient of the NHD Margaret Chase Smith Maine Exhibition Award, “Working Women: Maine Female Shipbuilders During World War II” examines what was an essential contribution to the war effort. Sadie’s informative poster board is accompanied by photographs that highlight Senator Smith’s support of Maine’s shipping industry and the women who worked in the shipyards as well as materials about the NHD in Maine program. This exhibition will be on display through the fall at the Library.

Second is an exhibition developed by the Library’s staff in celebration of Skowhegan’s bicentennial. “Mapping Skowhegan: Celebrating the Bicentennial Through Margaret’s Eyes” takes a look at both the changes to Skowhegan’s landscape over the past two hundred years and the landmarks that would have made up the town that Senator Margaret Chase Smith knew and loved. This is achieved through a combination of photographs, documents, and artifacts from the Library’s collection alongside four maps courtesy of the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, University of Southern Maine. Three of the four maps were produced before the birth of Margaret Chase Smith, née Margaret Madeline Chase, on December 14, 1897, with the fourth being published in 1898. The changing landscape shown in these maps was the backdrop to Margaret’s childhood and influenced her relationship with the town for the duration of her life. This exhibition will be on display throughout the end of the year. 

Third is an interactive exhibition that we hope all visitors to the Library will engage with! Opened on Margaret Chase Smith Day, 2023, “Connections to Margaret” encourages you to consider how many ways you are similar to Senator Margaret Chase Smith. It can be difficult to remember that, despite her long list of credentials and accomplishments, Margaret had many traits, characteristics, habits, and experiences that many of us can relate to. She adored her dogs, was the eldest of her siblings, routinely enjoyed a grilled cheese sandwich (especially if it was burnt), and could play the piano. The exhibition provides a tangible opportunity to see all of your points of interaction with Senator Smith (and with your fellow visitors). We will be keeping an eye on this project throughout the rest of 2023 and into 2024 and sharing images of it in the Margaret Chase Smith Library Newsletter and on our social media channels. Keep an eye out to see all our “Connections with Margaret”!

Professional Development

Just a few weeks ago I was thrilled to attend a workshop led by the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) which was held at the Portland Museum of Art. Titled “Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Salvage,” the workshop covered risk assessment and mitigation, emergency preparedness and response, and related emergency planning topics. What I most appreciate about it was the hands-on portion of the day where I was able to practice salvage techniques for formats found in the Margaret Chase Smith Library’s collections, this included books, documents, photographs, and audiovisual materials. All of these materials were submerged in water for a portion of the workshop before they were salvaged. These are essential techniques to learn since so many disasters that can befall cultural institutions include the introduction of water to one degree or another.

While I have been trained in emergency preparedness and response previously, this was a fantastic opportunity to brush up on past knowledge and also gain some new insights. I was happy with what I was able to bring back to the Library to add to our institutional knowledge and disaster plan. Additionally, I look forward to putting my new skills to the test in a few weeks when the Library is due to hold a staff disaster training day ourselves.

Nicole Potter installing the Skowhegan Bicentennial exhibit.

Visitors engage with Connections to Margaret exhibit.

Nicole Potter doing hands-on training during the NEDCC Disaster Workshop at the Portland Museum of Art.

Upcoming events

The MCSL is an EEO/AA institution and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director of Equal Opportunity, 101 Boudreau Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5754, 207.581.1226, TTY 711.



June, 2023 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 39, No. 2

As we head into the summer months, the staff of the Margaret Chase Smith Library is planning for many exciting events! National History Day will culminate at the national contest in College Park, Maryland, summer programing in conjunction with the Skowhegan Free Public Library will happen, and planning is underway for Margaret Chase Smith Day. We also continue to update the facility with new storage materials and we are constantly refining our emergency planning to better protect our collections We hope everyone continues to be safe and healthy.

In this issue, you will learn about our recent library activities, educational opportunities, and various researchers and visitors. Each staff member has written what they have been doing over the last few months. Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out our up coming events section to see what’s on the horizon.


by David Richards

It has been a busy spring at the Margaret Chase Smith Library. It’s the first one to feel “normal” since 2019, before the pandemic.

As you will read elsewhere from my colleagues, school field trips returned in force, and with no masks, for the most part. When Shane Gower brought his Advanced Placement US History students to do research at the Library in March, we realized, much to our dismay, that his last visit with the class had been in 2019. The duration of that COVID void hardly seems imaginable in retrospect.

Another event that had fallen into the void was the annual Maine Town Meeting. The last one we were able to host in person took place in October 2019, when 90 people came together to learn about the women’s suffrage movement and the legacy of women in the United States gaining the right to vote a century earlier through ratification of the 19th amendment to the Constitution. In 2020 and 2021, we had to offer the meeting via Zoom. In 2022, we presented the program in hybrid format, but found that three quarters of the audience opted for remote participation.

Wanting to get people back to the Library, we were determined that this year’s event, focusing on the Supreme Court, would be fully in person. We were pleased with the turnout, as sixty individuals, including Heather Ross’s AP US History students from Skowhegan Area High School, assembled to hear two dynamic and thought-provoking speakers, Dr. James Melcher, a professor of Political Science from the University of Maine at Farmington, and Dr. Dmitry Bam, Vice Dean of the University of Maine School of Law; enjoy the lunch catered by Heritage House; and most important, interact with one another.

To provide additional opportunities for guests to experience civic culture at the Library, the staff has planned many activities throughout the year. A new book discussion series tied to Skowhegan’s bicentennial will begin on June 20th at 6:30 PM with a talk by Amy Calder. She is a long-time reporter for the Morning Sentinel, who has collected her writings into a book, Comfort Is an Old Barn. The series will continue monthly through September. In conjunction with these bicentennial book programs, the Library will also host two lectures dealing with the history of Skowhegan. On July 25th at 6:00 PM, Maine State Historian Earle Shettleworth will give a talk on local architecture. This will be followed by a talk on the Arnold Expedition up the Kennebec River during the American Revolution by Dr. Daniel Soucier, a historian from the University of Maine, on September 26th at 6:30 PM.

For a full schedule of events, scroll to the end of the newsletter or click here for a PDF listing all of the upcoming events. We hope to see you at the Library in 2023!

Maranacook Community High School AP US History Field Trip

Amy Calder’s newest book

Professor James Melcher Addresses the Maine Town Meeting

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

National History Day in Maine 2023

As I write this I am one week away from attending my first in-person NHD national contest in four years! The last time I stepped onto the University of Maryland campus was 2019. It would be an understatement o say that students, teachers, parents, sponsors, and my fellow state coordinators are excited to be back! I expect great results from our qualifying participants from Maine and look forward to getting “my steps in” while traversing UMD from June 12-15.

The students participating in the upcoming national contest all qualified by placing first or second place at our state contest held at the University of Maine on April 29, 2023. It was a surreal day seeing so many in attendance. Surprisingly, in the ten years I have been coordinator, it felt like the least stressful event to run. We witnessed many smiles from students and teachers, and our judges were enthusiastic to spend the day with so many bright young scholars. For a full list of winners visit our webpage and scroll down to “Registration Links”. There you will find winners from both the junior and senior categories and the special award winners.

While in Maryland students will again have their work assessed by judges, but we will also take time to take in the sights. Meetings with our Senators Angus King and Susan Collins will happen, we will be taking a tour of the Capitol Building and Library of Congress, and will meet people from all over the world as we trade buttons with our competitors–a cherished tradition of the national contest. 

This year's theme was Frontiers in History. Maine’s button is building off of that theme and focusing on the anniversaries of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and Secretary Edmund Muskie’s introductions of the Clean Water Act. Both are featured prominently on the Maine button noting the state’s “Frontiers in Conservation”

Fingers crossed for a safe and successful experience for all!

Special Thank You to My Colleagues

I want to give a quick shoutout and thank you to my colleagues Nicole Rancourt from the Maine Humanities Council and Nicole Potter from the Margaret Chase Smith Library. Leading up to the NHD in ME state contest I needed to take a leave of absence to attend to a family matter. Both of them stepped up and ran the Bangor Regional contest for me. I appreciate all of their hard work and willingness to help at such a trying time for me personally.

2023 MCSL Essay Contest

In early May we announced the winners of the 2023 MCSL Essay Contest. Inspired by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and Edmund Muskie’s Clean Water Act, the question focused on climate change and the role the government should play in combating it. We had participants submit from all over the state. Students were passionate about the subject and showed their deep care and concern for the environment. 

It was difficult for the staff to decide the final results, but after much deliberation we believe we awarded the most deserving. First place ($1,000) was Edgelynn Venuti from Washington Academy. Second place ($500) was Victoria Leavitt from Windham High School, and third place ($250) was Logan Blanchette from Mount Desert Island High School. All three will be receiving a cash prize. We also awarded five Honorable Mention prizes. To see the full list of winners click here. To read the top three winning essay’s visit our webpage.

The exhibit hall in Wells Conference Center at the University of Maine.

Junior Group Website First Place winners at the National History Day in Maine state contest. From Greely Middle School, Claire Larson and Sarah Weisz.

It was a packed house as we handed out awards in Wells Conference Center at the University of Maine.

learning Lounge

by Kim Nelson

The last few months have flown by as the transition from winter to spring to summer has commenced. The staff hosted 11 elementary school field trips during the months of April and May. Teachers and students alike are enjoying our new stations. Margaret Chase Smith Bingo was specifically requested by one teacher as her students from last year had a great time playing it with me. We are looking forward to more field trips next school year.

I suggested that Nicole and I attend the Maine Library Association Reading Round Up in April as a way to reach out to school and public librarians to promote our field trip program. I also suggested that John come with us to promote National History Day. We decided to have attendees give us their contact information if they wished to receive a free Margaret Chase Smith DVD. We gave away 21 DVD’s, quite a bit of chocolate, and spoke with librarians from all over the state. It was a success for the library and NHD. We are already planning what to entice librarians to stop at our table during next year’s Reading Round Up.

It felt great to be back to National History Day judging. Although I have been judging since 2020, this was my first year in person and it was an entirely different experience. I was able to judge the Northern Region at John Bapst High School and later the State Competition at Orono. The student interviews are the best part of the day. They are excited to talk about what they learned and are proud to show off their work. To be a judge is an incredible experience and I encourage you to think about it for next year.

In April, I held my first program at the library to tie into the President Eisenhower exhibit that was on loan to the library from Rangely Historical Society. I asked Carroll Ware to speak at the library to talk about his new book, “On the Wrong Side of the River: Stories from a Maine Guide”. 27 attendees were entertained by Carroll, and his wife Lila, with stories from their lives as Maine Guides and their adventures both locally and internationally. Refreshments focused on fish or fishing with decorations including a tackle box, bobbers, an antique fly fishing rod, and a photo of Margaret fishing to complete the theme.

I continue to work in the Past Perfect catalog. I am still entering books from our collection as well as continued clean up in the photos portion of the catalog. It is a slow process but an enjoyable one that allows me to put my library degree skills to work and keeps me quite busy during the down time between activities, programs, and planning future programs.

On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, the library will be cosponsoring a slime program with the Skowhegan Free Public Library to enhance their summer reading program. This year’s slime will be mudpies and fireflies. We will be making a mud type slime with vegetables or a glow in the dark slime with glow in the dark bugs. The fun will be from 1-3 pm at the Margaret Chase Smith Library. We will also be hosting John Meader and his planetarium on Tuesday, August 1, 2023. The first showing starts at 10 am and the second showing is at 11:15 am. The planetarium is part of the SFPL summer reading program and a fun experience for local children. Finally, Margaret Chase Smith Day on Saturday, August 26, 2023 will include field day activities out on the library’s lawn to give children and their families a chance to play and enjoy the grounds of the library. More information on this event to come later this summer.

Maine guide Carroll Ware telling tales about his time in the wilderness.

Lots of creative treats were served at the Carroll Ware book talk!

MCS Library staff talking with librarians at Reading Round Up held at the Civic Center in Augusta.

Research Roundup

by Nicole Potter

Elementary Field Trips

This past spring has been an incredibly busy and exciting time at the Margaret Chase Smith Library. One factor is that with spring comes field trips. It was a delight to open the doors of the Library and welcome in a range of students from schools all over central Maine. With younger students, I enjoyed teaching them about how the MCS Library functions differently than the libraries they may be familiar with already, typically their school library or the public library, and how the staff cares for the Library’s archival collections. We then spend the rest of our time examining a selection of documents, artifacts, and bound materials. This included a portrait of Senator Margaret Chase Smith painted in 1955 by Emily Muir, who was, among other things, an American painter and long-time Stonington, Maine, resident. 

This painting typically gets the loudest reaction from the school groups out of all the materials I share with them. I think that’s for two reasons - 1) They are taken by the scale of the portrait and the size of the combined canvas and ornate wooden frame; 2) Visual materials, like the portrait, are able to capture the attention of students who struggle to engage with lectures or written materials. 

The reason I have decided to share this painting with our field trips groups is not because of the quality of the portrait, although it is an excellent likeness of Senator Smith, or because of the importance of Emily Muir within the historical context of Maine’s artistic history, although she does have a sizeable presence, it’s because of the imagery Muir included alongside her subject. I always ask students to examine this portrait with a critical eye, share what they find, and then question why Muir has included that item - Why is there an elephant in the lower left corner? Who is the woman holding the torch? Why is Margaret pictured holding a pen? It’s been a fabulous experience sharing this object with students and hearing their observations. 

High School Field Trips

In addition to welcoming elementary students to the Library, we also had the opportunity to host two separate high school field trips in March and April. One of these groups was the Maranacook Community High School AP US History class, who has been coming to the Margaret Chase Smith Library to engage in primary source research for many years. This visit is regularly scheduled in the spring in anticipation of the AP US History examination. 

Part of the exam are document based questions (DBQ), which are essays or series of short-answer questions that are constructed by students using one's own knowledge combined with support from several provided sources. The AP US History Students from Maranacook Community High School are asked to invert this process. Instead of being asked for their response to a DBQ that is supported by previously selected sources, they are instead asked to locate sources within the Library’s collection and develop a DBQ that could be answered using those documents. It’s a fun project to assist them with and it gets the students to think critically about a process they’re already familiar with. 

In April, the Skowhegan Area High School Honors Geography class visited to conduct primary source research on Senator Margaret Chase Smith’s World Trip. This was the first opportunity many of these students have had to engage with archival materials and was a fantastic learning experience. Students were divided into groups of two and each group was assigned one of the countries that Senator Smith visited. The Library has a range of types and quantities of materials for each of the countries she visited. As the students conducted their research, it was interesting to see how they dealt with either abundant or lacking resources and, also, what types of materials students were drawn towards. This was the first time that a Skowhegan Area High School Honors Geography class came to the Library and we hope they return soon!

Returning “President Eisenhower and the Rangeley Lakes Region” Exhibition

The beginning of May saw the end of the Margaret Chase Smith Library’s loan of the “President Eisenhower and the Rangeley Lakes Region” exhibition from the Rangeley Lakes Region Historical Society, Rangeley, Maine. We loved having this exhibit and to send it off we were thrilled to host two events at the Library. 

The first was an author talk with the local celebrated Maine Guide, Carroll Ware. He spoke about his new book, “On the Wrong Side of the River: Stories from a Maine Guide,” and shared many stories from the book and unpublished anecdotes. This event was coordinated by my coworker Kim Nelson and was incredibly well received and attended. 

The second was a paint night at the Library that was hosted by local instructor, Gretchen Washburn. Gretchen led thirteen of us through the process of painting a scene of a wooded coastline at sunset as seen from a canoe. What was wonderful was how all thirteen participants, including myself and Kim Nelson, received the exact same instruction from Gretchen but we produced thirteen different and unique pieces of art. It was a wonderful experience and I hope that Gretchen will return to the Library to host another artistic endeavor soon!

Artist Emily Muir painting Margaret Chase Smith, 1955.

Paint Night led by Gretchen Washburn at MCS Library.

Maranacook Community High School AP US History Field Trip

Upcoming events

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March, 2023 Newsletter

Margaret Chase Smith Library

A Newsletter for Friends of the Library
Vol. 39, No. 1

As we transition to longer days and warmer weather, the staff of the Margaret Chase Smith Library is planning for many exciting events in the coming months! National History Day contests are back in-person, field trips are returning, summer programing in conjunction with the Skowhegan Free Public Library will happen, and planning is underway for our annual Maine Town Meeting and Margaret Chase Smith Day. We also continue to update the facility with new storage materials and we are constantly refining our emergency planning to better protect our collections We hope everyone continues to be safe and healthy as we continue to inch our way back to normalcy.

In this issue, you will learn about our recent library activities, educational opportunities, and various researchers and visitors. Each staff member has written what they have been doing over the last few months. Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out our up coming events section to see what’s on the horizon.


by David Richards

As an historian, I know how cruel history can be. As Benjamin Franklin humorously put it, "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten; either write things worthy of reading, or do things worthy of writing."

While Margaret Chase Smith fulfilled both criteria through her Declaration of Conscience speech and book, the tendency is still to be forgotten with the passage of time. When the Library celebrated the centennial of Margaret’s birth in 1997, I would ask people if they knew who William Pierce Frye was. Few did. I could count on one hand the responders who came up with the correct answer that he had held the seat in the United States Senate that Margaret Chase Smith would eventually win election to in 1948. The point being that over the course of a century Senator Frye had become almost thoroughly forgotten.

At the Library, we are very cognizant that the natural tendency is for Senator Smith to be forgotten over time, too. Every year we are reminded of that when school groups visit. By a decade ago, just about every K-12 student was born after Margaret had passed away in 1995. This year it dawned on me that young teachers in their mid-twenties are now born after her death as well.

One of the ways societies try to keep memories alive is by naming things after people. There are several honors named after Margaret Chase Smith: the Library’s annual essay contest, research and public affairs scholarships at the University of Maine, and the National Association of Secretaries of State American Democracy Award. In addition, there are over two dozen places and structures that bear her name, ranging in chronology from the social hall at Camp Modin in Canaan, Maine, in 1962 to a library reading room at the US Embassy in Liberia in 2009 and also including one ferry, one Federal building, two senior apartment complexes, and two elementary schools.

That brings me to the Margaret Chase Smith School in Skowhegan, which was built in 1963 and named in her honor the following year. Senator Smith attended the 25th anniversary of the school in 1988, at which time she was presented with a commemorative clock. Structures, like humans, however, eventually wear out. A replacement building is in the process of being constructed. The question arose what to name it. Many people have assumed the Margaret Chase Smith designation would be carried on. Because the new facility will serve students beyond Skowhegan, the SAD 54 school board entertained suggestions for other names.

We have been astounded by the degree of interest in this issue. When we posted about it on the Library’s Facebook page, it was seen by over 10,000 people and elicited over 100 comments, almost all in support of retaining the name. While we await official determination of the matter, we take comfort in the knowledge that so many people still remember Margaret Chase Smith and hold her in such high regard. That makes for a solid foundation upon which to keep her memory and legacy alive for generations to come.

Senator William Pierce Frye

Margaret Chase Smith School, Skowhegan, 1991

Margaret Chase Smith School, Skowhegan, 25th Anniversary, May 17, 1988

Communication Corner

By John Taylor

National History Day in Maine 2023

Planning for National History Day in Maine continues as contest season is in full swing! We started where we left off. On March 6, 2020, just weeks before everything shut down, our last in-person contest was held at Museum LA in Lewiston. Nearly to the day, on March 3, 2023, we finally held our first in-person contest in three years at the same venue now known as Maine MILL.

For many students and teachers this was a new experience. They were familiar with the virtual format, but many showed up nervous not knowing what to expect in a live contest setting. Our judges spent the day examining projects, interviewing the participants, and providing much needed feedback on how to improve their research. The students had an opportunity to be out of the classroom, learn new skills interacting with adults working in the field of humanities, allowed time to tour the Maine MILL exhibits, and experience everything downtown Lewiston has to offer. Finally, teachers received reassurance seeing their student’s hard work being acknowledged.

After three long years, I am proud to say that we knocked off the rust and ran a success